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Many organizations have not embraced digital transformation as whole-heartedly as they need to.

The events of 2020 have sent many companies into meltdown, as they found themselves unable to maintain service levels or keep pace with shifting customer demand – and their hunger for new content.

When they failed to keep pace with the way employees and customers needed to engage with them as offices closed and mobility and remote working became the norm, this shocked them out of their inertia.

If you want change to go smoothly and be accepted, it’s up to you to promote the possibilities, fire people up, and give them something to believe in.

Employees should be involved in transformation projects as much as possible – their input is vital and you want them to come on the journey with you, not act as a barrier.

But it’s crucial to stay true to your organization’s product roadmap, understand what any new choice will mean to the business, and what it offers to stakeholders.

Relying on gut feeling for decision-making can be misleading and risky, so it’s important to apply real parameters and rigor around any testing and evaluation of new platforms and products Digital transformation can feel like an elusive feat: just as you think you’ve made progress; a new horizon presents itself.

So, instead of keeping your sights fixed on the vanishing point in the distance, where everything comes together somewhere just out of sight, look for the small but important achievements along the way.

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