According to a survey of research into the community’s dataset collection and use practices published earlier this month. “Data and its (dis)contents: A survey of dataset development and use in machine learning” was written by University of Washington. The paper…
A common way of training a language network is by feeding it lots of text from websites and news outlets with some of the words masked out and asking it to guess the masked-out words. What makes language models even…
Artificial intelligence is changing the way users are interacting with their apps offering numerous possibilities for innovation. Smartphone app developers are adapting quickly to use AI in improving mobile app performances. Using AI in translators improves the mobile app performance…
The world at large has been reeling from a tiny virus that has turned into one of the largest social and economic disruptions of the modern era. As the year winds to a widely welcomed close, it’s worth asking what…
At their Worldwide Developer’s Conference in 2019, Apple added object detection support to CreateML, their no-code machine learning app. This means, in theory, you can get a trained model suitable for use in your iPhone application without writing a single line…
A few weeks ago, Apple released its first custom-designed silicon chip for the Mac, the M1. There have been several impressive benchmarks around its performance relative to its Intel-based predecessors, but we were interested in putting it through its paces on a ML (computer vision)…
MuZero could soon be put to practical use too. Dr Silver said DeepMind was already using it to try to invent a new kind of video compression. “If you look at data traffic on the internet, the majority of it…
At DeepMind, a subsidiary of Alphabet, Silver has led the development of techniques that let computers learn for themselves how to solve problems that once seemed intractable. In November 2019, DeepMind released details of MuZero, a version that learns to…
Digital integration hubs (DIHs), which are a type of Smart Data Hub, are increasingly being used as high-performance data access layers that provide real-time access to data from across the enterprise to power real-time business processes. For example, financial services…