10 09

With a goal to “capitalize on agility and speed” the company had been implementing their no-code approach for a while before the pandemic to build their own business applications, engaging employees to use no-code tools themselves without having to run their ideas past multiple managers and navigate an IT backlog – this background in no-code processes has helped to onboard new remote employees and deal with an increased customer base.

“Not everyone is ready to become a no-code developer from day one,” “there are sets of skills and traits that you need to consider and invest in a training process to build these skills.”

While low- and no-code tools are designed to open automation to non-technical people, creativity and an agile mindset are still inherent parts of programming new tools or automating processes, even if the development process no longer requires detailed programming knowledge.

Engaging people with automation is also a case of breaking down barriers between different departments and encouraging collaboration, “With a no-code approach, you need to expect a higher level of engagement from all stakeholders so you’re able to think and act quicker, part of this was rethinking the cooperation between IT and other areas of the business.”

It is “equally important to transform the role of IT team members” to ensure that they can take on more management & governance responsibilities, as the rest of the staff becomes more IT-savvy.

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