By Nadia Zaifulizan In the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation, there are more jobs that can be done by robots effectively, in a shorter time, with minimum to zero errors. Automation will enable repetitive work to be done…
By Nadia Zaifulizan In the era of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and automation, there are more jobs that can be done by robots effectively, in a shorter time, with minimum to zero errors. Automation will enable repetitive work to be done…
By Nadia Zaifulizan In our world today, Artificial Intelligence (AI) has contributed towards many major technological advancements for society. However, society is made up of a large number of people with diverse backgrounds, traits, and conditions. While each technological advancements…
By Nadia Zaifulizan As technology and connectivity advances, more people are aware of the need to set boundaries of what is acceptable online behaviour. The internet culture has made popular contents more favourable, regardless of the ethics or morality of…
Audio Article Aibots – Nadia Short Gig On A Long Path Exploring the Gig Economy https://aibots.my/officialBlog/wp-content/uploads/2019/08/Nadia-First-Audio-Article_01.mp3 Aibots – Farah Big Data Analytics: What About Malaysia The needs for Big Data Analytics in the country https://aibots.my/officialBlog/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Big-Data-Analytic.mp4 Aibots – Nadia Online? Moderated.…
By Nadia Zaifulizan We are currently living in a gig economy.This means that more and more people are getting paid for the service that they provide, but usually not in a permanent employment setting. In this economy, employment is usually…
By Nadia Zaifulizan While we cruise through the first half of August and continue the journey nearing this month’s season end, we look at a brief compilation of the 5 latest technology updates, this week. 1.Apple is suing Corellium for…
Machine Learning is a form of applied Artificial Intelligence (AI) that provides the ability for systems to automatically learn and improve from experience without explicitly being programmed to do so. So what kind of consequences does this mean for humanity?
By Nadia Zaifulizan This month, reports surfaced on the lawsuit against IBM for its hiring and firing, in particular the allegations of age discrimination practices. Yes, at the time of writing it has only been the first day of the…
By Nadia Zaifulizan A few days ago, Microsoft announced its $1 billion investment for OpenAI.If you are not yet in the loop, OpenAI is a non-profit artificial intelligence research company, founded by Elon Musk. It was established to advance digital…
By Nadia Zaifulizan The Amazon Dilemma The next 48 hours is the official Amazon Prime Day. It’s that time of the year that Amazon is promoting as a special event where large number of items are put on sale, major…