Machine learning is already being employed in millions of applications around the world—and it’s already starting to shape how we live and work, often in ways that go unseen. Some of the “sexier” applications of machine learning are in emerging…
Machine learning can provide the fastest way to identify new cyber-attacks, draw statistical inferences, and push that information to endpoint security platforms. Art Coviello, a partner at Rally Ventures and the former chairman of RSA summaries the value of automation…
“The most important thing before implementing AI model is you need to determine the core task,” said Eric Yeh, who is a computer scientist at the Artificial Intelligence Center at SRI International. The model adopted would be dramatically different from…
“Deep learning models can be trained to perform complicated tasks such as image or speech recognition and determine meaning from these inputs,” the paper’s authors state. “A key advantage is that these models scale well with data and their…
In the latest CoSN IT leadership survey, more than half of respondents (55 percent) said that AI would have a significant or even transformational impact on teaching and learning within the next five years, if privacy issues can be addressed…
The attackers use previously acquired Personally Identifiable Information (PII) such as social security numbers, addresses, names, phone numbers, and banking account information to trick public officials into accepting the claims. The acquisition of the PII that enabled these attacks, and…