15 07

E-commerce received a huge boost during the pandemic. Retailers adapted to the new world with online ordering and curbside pickup.

The post-Covid landscape provides three major opportunities to embrace digital transformation, says of an e-commerce firm.

Retailers are embracing what’s called the “endlesson aisle” — a seamless shopping experience that helps you start online and complete it in-store or vice-versa.

Best Buy started piloting a ship-from-store model with 250 stores being remodeled as hubs. According to UPS, “ship from store” and “ship to store” are here to stay.

The omnichannel shift brings micro-targeting to traditional retail space at a more heightened level of detail.

Digital transformation, emboldened by artificial intelligence, is helping retailers to stay competitive, as was evident during Covid-19 in New York last month.

Retailers are embracing “privacy by default” strategies that promote transparency and privacy for consumer data.

The post-Covid-19 world is preparing for a surge in a digital change in retail. According to Jodeler, loyalty programs are at the forefront of co-opetition efforts.

The direct-to-consumer brands are finding partnerships with local stores to continue their success story.

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