07 07

Getting a digital workforce up-and-running may prove difficult without buy-in from senior IT personnel, so ensure that their early support is gained.

Although digital workers are trained, governed, and run by the business, not getting IT engagement is one of the fastest ways to curtail an automation program.

When prioritizing those process automation opportunities, always select ones that will generate benefits in line with business objectives, but don’t avoid minimal value work if it’s likely to become strategically important in the future.

In addition, capture the benefits by agreeing on a set of measurements such as; financial, process, quality, and performance-related KPIs.

Establishing meaningful measures of digital workers’ value, in alignment with the objectives of your digital workforce – such as hours returned to the business or revenue, will help drive intelligent automation across the wider organization.

Effective routes include defining automation champions, consistently working on a communication plan, and providing employee incentives for identifying suitable processes.

There are many methodologies for developing process automation, from agile to waterfall, but whichever one is selected the key is to have a well-established set of best practices and standards which the delivery team can and do, follow.

Those people involved in running and managing digital workers require some key personal skills.

The latter capability is key for managing change, for winning cooperation from employees who fear the digital workers, and for driving cultural adoption of automation across the business.

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