31 05

A lot of noise and misunderstanding exists in the user marketplace about what digital transformation is, and the roles that artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and the Internet of Things (IoT) play in implementing it.

Digital transformation is of major importance to businesses and organizations.

Businesses and organizations have begun to realize that digital transformation can be planned and implemented proactively to be more competitive, enhance customer experiences, and improve processes that are customer touchpoints.

Programs based on insights into behavior and events from ML can improve customer experiences and business processes.

With AI and ML information is analyzed in real-time to increase responsiveness to changes in customer behavior and events, and make business processes including IT operations more efficient.

The IoT is the network of objects that have software, sensors, smart devices, and other instruments incorporated in them to link and exchange data with other systems and devices over the internet.

Businesses and organizations face two choices when they contemplate digital transformation. They can make decisions on digital transformation that are not coordinated or supported by the market.

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